Let’s memorize the telephone number for the police and fire services!
Police【110】 Ambulance【119】
110 and 119
119 → w.pref.shizuoka.jp/police/about/110kinkyu/index.html
Dial 119 to call an ambulance when you or someone else is sick or hurt. Or to call for a fire engine when there is a fire.
110 → https://www.pref.shizuoka.jp/police/about/110kinkyu/index.html
Dial 110 to call the police when there has been an accident or incident.
Useful for Emergencies
Ambulance Services Guide → https://www.city.hamamatsu.shizuoka.jp
How to Call an Ambulance or Fire Engine → /hfdjoho/disaster/shobo/shirei/index.html
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