• Hamamatsu Intercultural Center
  • Hamamatsu Foreign Resident Study Support Center
  • Hamamatsu Foundation for International Communication and Exchange
Hamamatsu Intercultural Center Hamamatsu Foreign Resident Study Support Center Hamamatsu Foundation for International Communication and Exchange


Hamamatsu Comprehensive Educational Support Center (for Public Elementary and Junior-High Schools)

Please consult the Hamamatsu Comprehensive Educational Support Center regarding applications for enrollment into Japanese elementary and junior-high school, school guidance (an explanation of the school system in Japan), and education related matters.
*Support is available in Portuguese, Spanish , English ,and Filipino. (Please phone us if you require interpretation services.)

Enquiries: 7F, Eastage Hamamatsu Office Building, 1-2-1 Chuo, Chuo-ku, Hamamatsu-shi Tel. 053-457-2424

Night Schools in Shizuoka Prefecture (Fuji no Kuni Junior-High Schools)

A night school is a school for those who, for various reasons, did not finish elementary or junior high school, or could hardly attend school. Shizuoka Prefecture established a prefectural night school program in April 2023.

To attend the school, you to to meet the following requirements (please check the below website for updated requirements):

  • Is a resident in Shizuoka prefecture.
  • Was born after April 1, 2008.
  • Has not completed 9 years of education in either Japan or your home country or has graduated from junior-high school without being able to attend in practice.
  • If you have foreign citizenship, you must also have a valid Residence Card which does not fall under the “Study Abroad” visa category.

Link → http://www.pref.shizuoka.jp/kyouiku/kk-060/yakanchugaku.html

For further information on enrollment to schools in Shizuoka, ensure to check the above link to the website of Fuji-no-Kuni Night Schools in Shizuoka Prefecture.

Information on Schools for Foreign Residents

Colegio Mundo de Alegria

A school opened for the South American population of Hamamatsu. Obtained a licensing as a quasi-school corporation.

Click here for the website.

Address: 9611-1 Ubumi, Yuto-cho, Chuo-ku, Hamamatsu-shi, Shizuoka-ken

TEL: 053-482-7666

EAS Hamamatsu (Escola Alegria de Saber) 

A school aimed at Brazilian people living in Japan. Obtained licensing as a quasi-school corporation.

Address: 2-24-3 Handayama, Chuo-ku, Hamamatsu-shi, Shizuoka-ken

TEL: 053-540-2022

Link → https://www.facebook.com/EAS-Hamamatsu-552150568282325/

Escola Alcance

A school aimed at Brazilian people living in Japan.

Address: 3002-3 Tomitsuka-cho, Chuo-ku, Hamamatsu-shi, Shizuoka-ken

TEL: 053-543-6280

Link→ https://www.facebook.com/jpescolaalcance

Association for Brazilians Schools in Japan (AEBJ)

The purpose of this organization is to provide advice and support to Brazilian schools in Japan for the good management of the schools and for the improvement of the abilities of their teachers and staff. It is also to deepen mutual understanding between Japan and Brazil through cultural exchange and provide information, and improve the international understanding of the children of Brazilians and others living in Japan. In this way, the organization aims to contribute to the realization of a healthy and safe society, and development of the region.

Link → http://www.aebj.jp/portal/index.php/ja/

Information on Higher Education

N-Pocket Guide on Higher Education

Website on enrolling in high school → https://tabunka.n-pocket.com/shizugaku

Guidebook for Entering High School in Shizuoka Prefecture

Career Guide for Foreign Students (Published by Shizuoka Prefecture)

The following 10 page guidebook include the following details, written in an easy to understand format in various languages.

  • Flowcharts to help you find career advice (for further education i.e. high school or employment)
  • Costs and considerations before choosing to go to high school

For Brazilians (Published in 2013)

◇Portuguese → https://www.pref.shizuoka.jp/kenmin/km-160/documents/2umanovavida-por.pdf

◇Japanese → https://www.pref.shizuoka.jp/kenmin/km-160/documents/umanovavida-ja.pdf

For Filipinos (Published in 2014) 
*Created on behalf of NPO Filipino Nagkaisa

◇Tagalog → https://www.pref.shizuoka.jp/kenmin/km-160/documents/4tagalog-career-guidebook.pdf

◇Japanese → https://www.pref.shizuoka.jp/kenmin/km-160/documents/3japanese-career-guidebook.pdf

Steps After Graduating High School

The “Orange Guide” was created to support foreign residents high school students in the steps they take after graduating from high school (Published by Shizuoka Prefectural International Association). It is a guidebook which can be used to give explanations and advice to high school graduates that have foreign citizenship on the steps that they can take and link them to further supports. (Available in Japanese, Portuguese and Tagalog)

Link → http://www.sir.or.jp/multiculture/japanese/orangeguide/

Information on Scholarships

In Japan, education is compulsory until junior high school and is completely free of charge. People with foreign nationality may, if they so desire, also receive compulsory education free of charge. For people who wish to study at high school level or above, but do not have enough money, they can get an scholarship. The amount of money that is lent differs depending on the scholarship. There are scholarships which you have to repay what you borrowed when you graduate and start working, and scholarships which you don’t have to repay.

Scholarships for High School

Hamamatsu City Scholarship (High school, university, technical college, vocational school)

・Shizuoka Prefecture http://www.pref.shizuoka.jp/kyouiku/kk-050a/syougaku/syougaku_top.html

  Education Scholarship (For high school, technical college, vocational school)

  School Funding (For regular and correspondence high schools)  

School Benefits (For high school: full-time, regular and correspondence curriculum)

Scholarships for Vocational Schools and Universities

Academic Support

Information on the following academic support classes run by a citizen groups that help students to learn Japanese, supplement their school work and study for high school. Please contact the Intercultural Center for details. Tel: 053-458-2170

Link → https://tabunka.n-pocket.com/gakushu

Study the Japanese Language

Click here for information on Japanese language classes.

Study your Mother Tongue

Information on mother tongue classes for children with foreign roots attending Japanese schools. You can apply through the Matsukko school.

Link → http://tomo2kodomo.com/

Child Consultation Center  

You can consult a specialist regarding what to do if a parent or guardian is unable to raise a child at home due to illness or various other reasons, or if a child is violent at home or has problems with delinquency such as running away from home, stealing or staying out at night.

Address: Ken Sougo Chousha, 12-1 Chuo, Chuo-ku, Hamamatsu-shi

Tel: 053-457-2703

Link → https://www.city.hamamatsu.shizuoka.jp/jidosodan/soudan/jiso/index.html

Consultations on Vision Problems (for Children and Adults)

If you have any concerns about raising children with eye problems, their school life, work or the future, please call the Educational Support and Consultation Division of the Hamamatsu Special Needs School for Vision. Tel: 053-436-1261 (In Japanese only).

Child Poverty – Programs and Information Counters

Hamamatsu NPO Network Center (N-Pocket) has created a collection of links to consultation services to help solve child poverty.

Link → https://kodomosos.n-pocket.com/

Support for Children Who Are Not Attending School  

In Japan, parents with children between the ages of 6 and 15 are obliged to ensure that their children receive an education. In Hamamatsu City, there are public elementary and junior high schools, private elementary and junior high schools, and schools for foreigners, where children can receive an education according to their individual circumstances. There is a “School Attendance Support Class” where children can prepare for school, and they can study in this class before enrollment. Please contact the Hamamatsu Foreign Resident Study Support Center (Tel. 053-592-1117)

Link → School Attendance Support Class

Rupiro – Hamamatsu Developmental Disorder Support Center

Rupiro is an agency that provides comprehensive support from infancy to adulthood to enable individuals with developmental disabilities and their families to live with peace of mind. Please call to arrange a consultation (in Japanese or Portuguese only).

Link → https://www.rupiro.com/

Application Forms

Email: rupiro@gmail.com

Tel: 053-459-2721 (Mon-Sat from 8:30 -17:30 Excluding Holidays)

Wakaba – Hamamatsu Youth Consultation and Support

Wakaba provides consultations on the problems of young people aged 15 to 39 and their families. They will direct you to the appropriate agency depending on the results of the consultation.

Telephone: 053-454-4848 Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:00 – 16:00 (except new years holiday).

Address: Seishonen Ikusei Center, E-Stage Hamamatsu 7F, 1-2-1 Chuo, Chuo-ku, Hamamatsu-shi

Link → https://www.city.hamamatsu.shizuoka.jp/ikusei/wakaba.html

Saposute Hamamatsu – Regional Youth Support Station

Commissioned by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, the Regional Youth Support Station provide a range of specialist services to help young people who are struggling to find work.

Tel: 053-453-8743
Address: Hamamatsu Wakamono Community Plaza, 1-13-3 Chuo, Chuo-ku, Hamamatsu-shi (Hamamatsu Shimin Kyodo Center 3F)

Link → https://www.saposute-hamamatsu.jp/

Enquiries about this page

Hamamatsu Intercultural Center Address: 〒430-0916 Create Hamamatsu 4F, 2-1 Hayauma-cho, Chuo-ku, Hamamatsu-shi  GoogleMap
Tel: 053-458-2170 / Email: info@hi-hice.jp