English Mental Health Resources
Mental Health Consultations: TELL
Mental Health Clinics: Group With (in the Tokyo area)
You can also search for a clinic on Medical Net Shizuoka.
If you want to find help in your local area, search for a 精神科 (seishinka) or a 心療内科 (shinryo naika). However, there may not be any English speaking clinics, and you may need to speak Japanese. If an English speaking clinic would be better, then longer commutes may be necessary.
Click here for a guide on what to expect.
HICE Mental Health Consultations (Portuguese)
Link → http://www.hi-hice.jp/hmc/consultation.php#kokoro
Crisis Help Line (Portuguese)
Link → http://www.jona.or.jp/~wbs60252/portug.html
Consulate of Brazil in Hamamatsu – Mental Health Consultations (Portuguese)
Link → http://hamamatsu.itamaraty.gov.br/pt-br/assistencia_psicologica.xml
Enquiries about this page
Hamamatsu Intercultural Center
Address: 〒430-0916 Create Hamamatsu 4F, 2-1 Hayauma-cho, Chuo-ku, Hamamatsu-shi GoogleMap
Tel: 053-458-2170 / Email: info@hi-hice.jp
Tel: 053-458-2170 / Email: info@hi-hice.jp