• Hamamatsu Intercultural Center
  • Hamamatsu Foreign Resident Study Support Center
  • Hamamatsu Foundation for International Communication and Exchange
Hamamatsu Intercultural Center Hamamatsu Foreign Resident Study Support Center Hamamatsu Foundation for International Communication and Exchange

Old Age (Pension and Nursing Care)

All residents over 20 years old living in Japan are required to enroll in national and welfare pension. Pension are also useful if you develop a disability from an illness or injury, not just for old age. Foreigners who left Japan can also apply for Pension Lump-sum Withdrawal Payments within two years of leaving.

Pension Lump-Sum Withdrawal Payment

Pension Offices

Hamamatsu Nishi Office → https://www.nenkin.go.jp/section/soudan/shizuoka/hamamatsunishi.html

Address: 302-1 Takamachi, Chuo-ku, Hamamatsu-shi

Tel: (053-456-8511)

Hamamatsu Higashi Office → https://www.nenkin.go.jp/section/soudan/shizuoka/hamamatsuhigashi.html

Address: 188 Tenryugawa-cho, Chuo-ku, Hamamatsu-shi

Tel: (053-421-0192)

Other Offices Nationwide → https://www.nenkin.go.jp/international/aboutjps/offices.html

Social Security Agreement (Shakai Hosho Kyotei)

Link → https://www.nenkin.go.jp/international/agreement/index.html

Regional Inclusion Support Center (Chiiki Hokatsu Shien Senta)

Link → https://www.city.hamamatsu.shizuoka.jp/kourei/houkatsu/top.html

Hamamatsu City Medical Center for Dementia (Ninchisho Shippei Iryo Senta) (Seirei Mikatahara Byoin Hospital)

Link → http://www.seirei.or.jp/mikatahara/department/other/dementia-disease/index.html

Tsumugi – Home Medical Center (Jutaku Renkei Center) (Hamamatsu Iryo Senta Medical Center)

Link → https://www.hmedc.or.jp/tsumugi/

Enquiries about this page

Hamamatsu Intercultural Center Address: 〒430-0916 Create Hamamatsu 4F, 2-1 Hayauma-cho, Chuo-ku, Hamamatsu-shi  GoogleMap
Tel: 053-458-2170 / Email: info@hi-hice.jp