• Hamamatsu Intercultural Center
  • Hamamatsu Foreign Resident Study Support Center
  • Hamamatsu Foundation for International Communication and Exchange
Hamamatsu Intercultural Center Hamamatsu Foreign Resident Study Support Center Hamamatsu Foundation for International Communication and Exchange
HOME > Event Calendar > Workshop for Supporters of Foreign Children with Developmental Difficulties and Their Guardians – ”Fundamentals and Case Studies of Mental Health Support”

Workshop for Supporters of Foreign Children with Developmental Difficulties and Their Guardians – ”Fundamentals and Case Studies of Mental Health Support”

During this workshop, participants will develop support techniques and understanding through studying and analyzing real-life case studies. This workshop will be held in-person and was commissioned by Hamamatsu Mental Health Welfare Centre.

Event Overview

Date October 21, 2023 (Sat)
VenueHamamatsu Intercultural Center
〒430-0916 静岡県浜松市中区早馬町2-1 クリエート浜松
EligibilitySupporters of foreign residents
LecturerMr. Kenji TSUCHIYA (Hamamatsu University of Medicine Research Center for Child Mental Development - Psychiatrist and Specially Appointed Professor)
ApplicationPlease clickherefor more on how to apply.
DeadlineOctober 15 (Sun)
For EnquiriesHICE
Tel.: 053-458-2170 / Email: info@hi-hice.jp


How to Apply

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